Time to rant...

* Today I dropped Ella off at Daycare, her first big day 9:30 - 3. She walked right in and went into the little house in the corner, stuck her head out the window that faced a 9 month old and said "Hieeeeee". 
* I find it funny how I was so worried about how she would do after being with me for 5 months. 
* 5 months, ahhh, my time of leisure is coming to a close where I will have to join the world 
of spreadsheets, e-mails, samples, meetings, conference calls, binders, notepads - do I even know how to do all of that anymore? 
*I think all the time how lucky I am to have been able to share half of Ella's life with her at home.

Top 5 reasons I love living east:
1. Seasons
2. Can go to the grocery store, shop and then have it delivered, for free
3. Train to the city, the mountains, the ocean (that you can SWIM in)
4. Pizza
5. It is only 4 1/2 hours away from Amsterdam

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