testing mini Etsy

Wanted to see how this works with the mini Etsy you can post in your blogs. I am now in the process of getting Jewels for schools all of the business requirements for a non-profit in NY.  Once I have all of my certificates, I am ready to roll. Should I create a blog for the website then too?

For Ella

This little outfit, so to speak is from a clothing shop in NY called Makie, I have linked their name to their website. Their clothes are quite adorable and if I was rich I would probably purchase some for Ella, but this "outfit" would cost me $395.00. At least the designs are simple enough that I could make them for her on my own,  until we strike it rich. 

All about Daddy

The magazine Apartamento has a feature on Geoff McFetridge on things he has made for his daughter. We love the little kitchenette he made and now Nick is going to replicate it for Ella for her 2nd birthday. I also included Ella's favorite hangout. When you can't find her, she is usually on our bed reading. 
Before Nick adds wood craftsman to his long list of skills, he continues to be the master of the sandwich.

which one

This is what you do at 5am when your daughter wakes you up. City is in the distance, it was a pretty morning. Maybe I can kid myself into thinking Ella wanted me to see this. 

city pics

new love

Vintage Samsonite dining chairs from Repop in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. I love how the colors remind me of candy, so maybe now when we have dinner parties, we will always serve candy with dessert.

I heart this

I did it!!!

It is 12:45 am and I am very happy to announce that I have just published
www.jewels-for-schools.com. I am so excited, exhausted and amazed that it is complete. I did the website myself through Network solutions and it was a tough journey.

I don't have all the jewelry on Etsy posted yet. There are some pieces I need to measure and I don't want to wake up Nick digging them out. Although I do want to run into the bedroom and jump on the bed " I did it!!!" but I will let him sleep...for now :)

I have lots of love for the New Year 2010. My resolution was to finish my projects, so one down and 2 to go. Next up is a denim quilt.