the project

one of the new creations
some beadwork in process
this is how old some of my jewelry boxes are...yes, that is Howard Stern
(an upgrade is in order)
This is the foundation to which "Jewels for schools" came about. I have a lot of beads, chain, findings, etc that I have not done anything with in years. Some of them are very very old as it can be identified in the picture with the stickers. I decided that I cannot buy any bead or chain until I have utilized everything in these cases. I can only purchase items needed to complete the piece. I have 3 necklaces completed, but have so many to go. It is going to be so hard not to be tantalized with all the beautiful beads and crystals in the store, but I will persevere and accomplish my goal.
When I have 10 pcs complete, I will open the Etsy shop to have a percentage go to 2 foundations Fund for public schools and San Francisco Education fund. I had to keep my heart in SF and help Ella's future with NY. The % will be 50/50 between both foundations. The ultimate goal is to have a whole network of talented jewelry makers contribute some of their proceeds to "Jewels for Schools" that will go into these funds.
Right now it is piece by piece and one Etsy shop at a time. More to come..

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