Quilts my mom made me

Wedding quilt - she has been working on this quilt for over a year and it is finally finished. This is Nick and I's wedding quilt. Quite amazing.

We went to Paris in 2003 and afterwards she compiled the photos from our trip into this quilt. The middle picture is a haiku I wrote on the plane. I especially love the edges of the quilt because it says " Je voudrais dix timbre posts, sil vous plais" I would like 10 stamps, please. We were outside a post office and my mom really wanted to go and get stamps all on her own, so I was telling her what to say. We were probably outside of this post office for an hour laughing so hard (tears rolling down our face) because she was having a hard time remembering the phrase. It is one of my most favorite moments with my mom. 

1 comment:

tracey colla said...

your wedding quilt is amazing. something you will always treasure.

and the story about you and your mom in paris brought tears to my eyes. so sweet.